It might be 3 quarters of the journey done for this round
but this is only the start for me- I’ve signed up for round 4- to help thru the
‘silly’ season.
On reflection I am not the same person that started this
round 8 weeks ago. Well maybe I am but 12WBT has helped bring her out into the
open. I smile more, laugh a hell of a lot more and am SO much more positive.
Lol I’ve turned my lazy habits into a bit of a organisation
Nazi – lol I’ve organised a big group of awesome women for the Sydney Finale, hiking in the Otways,
Colour Run and week 8 milestone up Mt Abrupt.
8 weeks ago the thought of this would have sent me back to bed or
opening the cupboard doors for sweet snacks. 8 weeks ago my usual bed time was
between 12am-5am and if I wasn’t working would sleep half the day away- it’s
now 9-10am and getting up at 6am for gym sessions.
8 Weeks ago I weighed 121.2kgs and that weight weigh even
more heavily on my mindset. I have now donated 21.1kgs to the fat god never to
be seen again and my mind is now to free to have a new lease on life. And I will
take it with both hands and run with it- yep I actually run, jog, and shuffle
now J this
is a photo of my weight loss journey so far this round
These 8 weeks has been filled with many adventures, new
friends and those that know me; some physical slips- I’m still clumsy that hasn’t
One such day that including all of the above was the hiking
trip to the Otways, I can already feel the giggling starting. It was going to be called the “4 falls in one
day” instead it got renamed “4 falls and a bit”- the name change will become apparent
soon enough. So I met up with fellow 12wbt’ers Carol and Debbie at 8am full of
gusto and enthusiasm – I’ve lived here for 5 years and hadn’t ventured to the Otways
but that was the old me- the one that thought walking was pointless- This is
the NEW me.
Our first stop for the day was Melba Falls
How could I not
of been a walker if all places were as gorgeous as here. It was peaceful and serene-
even with our laughter filling the air. Definitely could have imagined Fae folk
living in places like this-
I didn’t even notice
the inclines or dreaded stairs too busy appreciating nature- although did take
into consideration the warning signs designed for people as clumsy as me.
Next was Little Aire Falls
I should of taken more notice of
the warning sign at Melba- I got to enjoy some slipping mud fun on the way to
these falls- got to have a few memorable moments, right?!? Lol thankfully I was
lucky enough to miss falling on the Otway carnivorous black snail so bonus
there. At this point my legs were still fresh, my mind ready for more and my
lungs enjoying the air.
(ps looking at the skrinking Carol- she is doing bloody FANTASTIC)
Bring on the 2.5km loop to Triplet falls.
I was eating up
the kms, inclines and dreaded steps.
These falls were just gorgeous and made the most beautiful music while
we walked thru the track to find them.
Had our picnic lunch- with Debbie quite possibly thinking of
her original lunch sitting at home with the threat of her husband eating it
Moving onto Hopetoun Falls
Now this had a fair few more
dreaded steps than I might of appreciated at the time- what goes down must go
back up those steps lol But was well worth the hike down, including yet another
slip moment- steps actually being my saviour from what could have been more dramatic.
So that was the completion of “4 falls in one day” planned
hike. But we didn’t feel quite like this was the completion of the day- so on
the drive home – we stopped into Maits Rest
compared to what we had already
done this was a beautiful stroll thru the rainforest- it had some of the most
amazing trees and scenery.
Now we are coming up to the “and bit” part of the name
change. On the left was a wonderful sign
saying “Cape Otway Lighthouse” and being in the touristy mood we were in- why
not? So left we turned and we were greeted by some tourist dodging and exorbitant
prices to walk thru and up the lighthouse. But what’s that we see- a sign to “Rainbow
falls” 5.5kms- we all wanted another falls to add to our belt for the day and
look what we had achieved already- what was another 5.5km round trip. Lol if
only we knew- gosh the delusional giggles are already starting. This walk had
different terrain than the previous- sand, steps, cliffs and beach views- that
was all beautiful but it kind of started to get the feeling of “um where are
these falls”. Plus I was wary of these signs knowing my previous history.
Walking, walking and
some more walking brought us down the bottom of the cliffs onto the beach. We
were going to find these bloody “Rainbow Falls” sooner or later (personally I was
certainly hoping sooner than later). And find them we thought we had. In a
complete W.T.F moment this was what greeted us at ‘Rainbow Falls” all of a foot
high and a spring feed trickle.
The sound of our delirious laughter could be heard- there
were no words to describe what was going thru my head- possible of mix of
humour, disappointment, muscle cramps, pain and the evil thoughts of the 5.5kms
traipse that we had to go to get back to the car. The sign lied- not 5.5kms
round trip- 5.5km each way. On the way back we were all on auto pilot- one foot
in front of the other. I swear my walk stride felt all of cms big and I was
completely drained. One of the best sights on this walk was re-seeing the
lighthouse meaning the end was near.
One thing this walk did give us was the
opportunity to be driving back near dusk and seeing koalas EVERYWHERE. I might
have lived in Australia my whole life but it was so magical- they were
everywhere and just so active. And it
would seem our legs had enough left in them to move at some pace when one
mister grumpy Koala needed us out of his way.
26.65kms, 37174 steps and 6 hours of walking was what we
achieved on paper (I think my Fitbit was in complete shock) but we pushed
ourselves beyond what we thought we could. To think that 8 weeks ago I would have
missed out on this opportunity just because I thought I couldn’t or wouldn’t do
it. For me this has been the biggest change; that 12WBt has opened so many
doors that I didn’t even know existed or that I even knew that I wanted to open.
Bring on the next 4 Weeks and all the weeks after those
My goals and self belief are now as tall as these trees- they have taken centuries to get there, and it will take me as long as it will take me but i WILL get there